7ASecurity Completes Security Audit of Círculo

Over the last six months, we’ve been working with 7ASecurity through support from the Open Technology Fund’s Security Safety Audits, to complete an audit of our Círculo project. The public report on that is now available. You can also read the blog post on the audit from 7ASecurity. If you don’t know about Circulo, this is a physical check-in safety app we have developed, alongside Article 19’s Mexico City team, for a number of years, focused on providing secure location sharing and urgent notifications within small trusted groups, for people under threat of physical violence. [Read More]

Threats and Usability of Secure Voice

In my previous post I found that end-to-end encryption with OSTN is both effective and usable. There are two important things the user must be aware of when using OSTN. They must confirm with each phone call that the encryption icon is present and they must correctly complete SAS verification dialog boxes. So on a basic level, encrypted voice just works. But, what does this all mean? This post looks at the threats to security and usability of encrypted ZRTP phone calls in CSipSimple. [Read More]

A Network Analysis of Encrypted Voice over OSTN

Introduction to OSTN The OSTN network stands for Open Source Telephony Network. It is a federated network standard for supporting Internet calling with end-to-end encryption ala ZRTP. Its very similar to e-mail in that VOIP calls can be routed to addresses such as user@domain.tld. Its a simple concept, but I believe it to be ground breaking implementation! Never before have I seen such an accessible solution to encrypted VOIP calls. OSTN is platform independent, is a federated network, and it is an open standard such that it is widely adoptable. [Read More]