Orfox: Aspiring to bring Tor Browser to Android

Update 24 September, 2015: Orfox BETA is now on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.guardianproject.orfox  In the summer of 2014 (https://lists.mayfirst.org/pipermail/guardian-dev/2014-August/003717.html{.external}), we announced that the results of work by Amogh Pradeep (https://github.com/amoghbl1{.external}), our 2014 Google Summer of Code student, has proven we could build Firefox for Android with some of the settings and configurations from the Tor Browser desktop software. We called this app Orfox, in homage to Orbot and our current Orweb browser. [Read More]

Free SIP Providers with ZRTP support

This post is part of a series on our work researching the Open Secure Telephony Network. After you have CSipSimple installed on your mobile handset, you will need a place to register a SIP username so you can contact others. The fastest way to get started with this is to use one of a handful of free SIP providers. I like the Ekiga free SIP service. The only drawback to this service is the userbase is large enough that the namespace of easy to remember words is frequently occupied. [Read More]
ostn  secure  voip  zrtp