Our Foolish Hackday!

We had a great group of people show up at our April 1st “Don’t Be Fooled” Hackday here at the OpenMobileLab in New York. There were users, there were devs, and all sorts of other people in between. We tracked some of the brainstormed ideas on an open etherpad at: http://piratepad.net/bQPFn6FOhN (text of this pasted in below).

The main outputs of the hacking were LilDebi, an updated Debian installer for Android, the beginnings of a Bitcoin digital currency client, and another called UpOn App, which uses the accelerometer and white noise generators in the device to stop your cellphone from spying on you.

Thanks to all for coming, and hope you enjoyed the donuts and beer!



The Pirated Pad Hackday Idea Tracker!
I. UpOn
  • phone that goes on and off airplane mode, based on gyroscope face up and down
  • need to look into e911 requirements
  • is Airplane mode a don’t broadcast, but receive is on type mode?
  • can we detect radio signals at all
  • scanning engine for radio communications (cv ettercap)
  • Kickstarter projects for faraday cage mobile phone case
  • little phone ornament that lights up on radio signals (they have these today!)
  • discuss the kickstarter project for designing a faraday cage mobile phone case… or did someone already do that?
  • can baseband exploit / lawful intercept activate on report
  • habitual paranoia
  • create a physical switch on the battery cover
  • sell faraday cases cell phone
  • turn off and on the phone , but necessarily super protect
II – Anonymous Currency [BitCoin]
a. Bitcoin for Android
  • Android BitCoin wallet
  • qrcodes for half-offline transactions
b. Bitcoin in General
  • Laundromat to maintain anonymity of BitCoin pseudonyms
  • trust laundromat a few cents at a time
  • trade keys in realishtime
III Building CyanogenMod from Source!
  • Seems like a fun experiment for the day
  • Can we drop in SQLCipher?
  • Possibly work on exploring OWNER module issues with current kernel
  • Yes, we need to figure out how to dynamically load kernel modules
IV. Debian Autoinstaller
  • can you simplify the installer in the market
  • checkout the QT market installer
V. How to Build Stuff
  • Gradle for building apps, or “ant release”
VI. Port Ghostery to Firefox for Android
  • blocks cookies, tracking, etc
VII Securely Reporting Photo/Video/Audio