Lil’ Debi: Easy Installer for Debian on Android

Have an Android phone and want an easy Debian chroot running it?

Alpha test our new app, Lil’ Debi. It builds up a whole Debian chroot on your phone entirely using debootstrap. You choose the release, mirror, and size of the disk image, and away it goes. It could take up to an hour, then its done. Then it has a simple chroot manager that mounts and unmounts things, and starts/stops sshd if you have it installed. You can also then use ‘apt-get’ to install any package that is released for ARM processors. This includes things like GPG, Tor, TraceRouteTCP and other security and crypto tools.

Project and source are here:

Have a look at our automatic build bot for the latest binary installer APK here:

Check the GitHub wiki for tips on using it. If you don’t know what you need this for, then you probably should not install it (for now).