GnuPG: OpenPGP Encryption


This project is UNMAINTAINED, we recommend OpenKeychain instead. The core porting work has all be included upstream in the official GnuPG source repositories. The Android app needs a new maintainer. This could be you! Email us at

GnuPG for AndroidGnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) for Android brings the widespread standard in OpenPGP encryption to Android. GnuPG provides solid encryption for keeping emails and files private, and for verifying that emails and files are who you think they are. GnuPG is built-in to basically every GNU/Linux distro, in GPGTools for Mac OS X and Apple Mail, a GPG4Win for Windows and Outlook, Enigmail for Thunderbird, etc. We are working to bring GnuPG to Android to make it the cornerstone of Android encryption like it is elsewhere.

We are actively working on an API so that developers can easily embed this into any app to give it state of the art security features. We’re also building a graphical user interface for easy key management. You can follow our progress on our wiki.

Command Line Usage

If you want to use the command line, the easiest way to get started with GPG is to install Android Terminal Emulator. GPG will automatically configure Android Terminal Emulator as long as you have the “Allow PATH extensions” settings enabled. Get the Android Terminal Emulator.
